Myofascial Therapy
Myofascial Therapy is an alternative therapy to deep tissue massage. This technique is very slow to grip the soft tissue in the body. It is hands down very different from massage and creates more flexibility in the tissue for longer lasting results. You have to just try it… the explanation comes with the touch. Everyone I have worked on can’t believe how different it really is and how awesome it works. This is by far my very favorite therapy!
Medical Massage
Medical Massage is intended to work deeply in the area (s) of the body associated with the problem. This is not a full body treatment.
Structural Integration 3 Series
75 minutes for initial visit and 60 minute treatments thereafter for lower, mid and upper body with a full extensive body read and movement evaluation prior to each session. The treatment is designed to create flexibility throughout the body by realigning the muscular and fascial system; just as a Chiropractor adjusts and realigns the spine. This work creates better body awareness, better posture, confidence and leaves you with a feeling of increased mobility due to the soft tissue adjustment. Please do not apply lotions or oils.
Structural Integration 12 series
A more in depth version of the SB-3 series which looks at the body in its detailed structural patterns with an extensive view of posture analysis and health history. This work is a more detailed view of the body from head to toe and superficial to deep in a 3 dimensional fashion, built into a 12 series (12 sessions). Each session is built from the previous one. Through this process, body awareness and structural change become more apparent. 75 minutes for the initial visit and 60 minutes thereafter.
*Please do not apply lotion before this treatment as it disrupts the effect of the technique.
Images of Fascia & Results of Bodywork
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